tručnjaci su procijenili da je u tom razdoblju bilo 64.260 smrtnih slučajeva zbog traumatskih ozljeda, oko 41 posto više od službenih podataka palestinskog ministarstva zdravlja. Prema istraživanju, 59,1 posto tih žrtava bile su žene, djeca i stariji od 65
The article presents a study published in "The Lancet" that estimates the number of deaths in Gaza during the first nine months of the Israel-Hamas conflict to be 40% higher than official Palestinian figures. This discrepancy is attributed to the collapse of healthcare infrastructure in Gaza, making accurate record-keeping difficult.
The study highlights the underreporting of casualties, particularly among vulnerable populations like women, children, and the elderly.
The article presents a study published in "The Lancet" that estimates the number of deaths in Gaza during the first nine months of the Israel-Hamas conflict to be 40% higher than official Palestinian figures. This discrepancy is attributed to the collapse of healthcare infrastructure in Gaza, making accurate record-keeping difficult. The study highlights the underreporting of casualties, particularly among vulnerable populations like women, children, and the elderly.